+1 to the high-level discussion on impact vs warning area
Related to area naming, in the case of multiple <area> blocks, it would be quite useful to define a single field that succinctly summarized all of the areas.
For example, we frequently see alerts with a long list of <area> blocks that correspond to existing political boundaries (zip codes, counties, warning zones). But there's no place to understand that long list is "the New York metro area" or some such, and we go through quite a bit of gyrations and guessing to extract that.
I can move that to a new issue if that makes more sense.
From https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-cap/download.php/53893/Aug18-2014-meeting-notes.doc
Jacob reviewed the issue and the request for naming individual polygons within an area block. Steve discussed the comments he had submitted and how he is interested in the opposite, something that describes all area blocks. A concern was raised regarding the original submitter, Norm Mueller, and his ability to clarify the request. Jacob noted that there was no contact info available to follow up with him. The group discussed the merits of labeling each polygon and agreed it wasn't necessary. The group also agreed that if the original submitter had further comments to the issue, he could follow up later during any public review.
The motion to resolve issue 10 as “no action needed” and close it in JIRA, was put forward. Doug moved and it was seconded by Steve. All agreed with the motion and it passed.
Note https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/EMERGENCY-29 separately deals with the comment around defining a single field that succinctly summarized all of the areas.