It's occurred to me from time to time that having "extension points" (in the forms of <parameter> and <resource>) has proven very helpful in Info and might also be useful in Alert and Area. As an example, a shapefile, GML or KML file might logically attach to an Area block, as might information about rate and direction of movement. [But note again the event-vs-alert dichotomy... historically we've been vague about that distinction and it's caused a lot of trouble, at least for me.]
Comparable examples for extensions to Alert don't spring to my mind right now but I can't think of any reason they couldn't exist.
Note that the above would require both <parameter> and <resource> options in Area, and potentially also in Alert. We should consider the semantic implications of putting extended content in one block vs another, but I think that's probably manageable and personally I don't see much of a downside.
(Except possibly in the area of back-compatibility. Separately I'll be suggesting that it might make sense to advance BOTH a 1.3 and a 2.0 version of CAP, where 1.3 would protect back-compatibility and 2.0 could offer more fundamental advances. I'm thinking they could compete constructively the way Python 2 and 3 do. I wouldn't have suggested this when CAP adoption was new and delicate, but at this point I think we have more to fear from becoming legacy-bound than from confusing adopters. But again, that will be a separate issue... I mention it here only to suggest that back-compatibility may not necessarily be a show-stopper.)
Can someone elaborate on the reasoning behind this? Thanks.