Re: Use of EMIX:BusinessScheduleType
This type contains xcal:properties (contains dtStart, dtEnd, duration; each optional - needs rule on which to use end or duration
xcal:components - BaseComponentType also has start,end,duration. Why do we need both properties and components to convey a schedule? Which one is the actual schedule?
wsCal Extensions:interval contains start,end,duration and a bunch of other stuff we don't need. Why can't we just use the element that contains only what we need?
Business Schedule in EMIX is exactly the wscalendar vavailability
<xs:element name="businessSchedule" type="emix:BusinessScheduleType"/>
<xs:complexType name="BusinessScheduleType" mixed="false">
<xs:documentation>iCalendar-derived business schedule, more variant than allowed in sequences</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexContent mixed="false">
<xs:extension base="xcal:VavailabilityType"/>
Duration is, howver, the next element named.
There as been a recurring issue of those who want one-time wrapping of ws-calendar into EMIX, and those who want native ws-calendar types. I have waffled myself. Guidance and comments to possible EMIX PR are apropriate.