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  1. OASIS Energy Interoperation TC
  2. ENERGYINTEROP-515 Collector for OpenADR Alliance Comments EI PR02

Section 10 - How does one know whether the marketContext returned in a Status response is just a confirmation of the request or something different?


    • Type: Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: wd27
    • Fix Version/s: wd29
    • Component/s: schema
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
    • Resolution:

      See ENERGYINTEROP-543 .

      "Change EiMarketContext uses to emix:MarketContextType as needed; see comments and linked items for details. "

      See ENERGYINTEROP-543 . "Change EiMarketContext uses to emix:MarketContextType as needed; see comments and linked items for details. "


      Section 10 of the EI specification describes Market Context indicating that both parties in
      a transaction can have a "market context". Furthermore, the narrative framework (section 5.3)
      describes VEN's querying VTNs for their market context. However, when looking at the schema, the only
      two places where market context appears in the payload is as follows:
      1) Various eiOpt payloads, in both the requests and responses. We assume that the responses are just a
      mirror of the requests marketContext. If not, this needs to be described.
      2) In eiRequestStatusPayload and as part of eiSentStatusPayload eiEventDescriptor.



          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) created issue -
          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Fix Version/s wd28 [ 10191 ]
          Status New [ 10000 ] Open [ 1 ]
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Parent ENERGYINTEROP-515 [ 19370 ]
          Issue Type Improvement [ 4 ] Sub-task [ 5 ]
          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) made changes -
          Fix Version/s wd29 [ 10192 ]
          Fix Version/s wd28 [ 10191 ]
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Environment OpenADR OpenADR - Cloned to ENERGYINTEROP-542 for Market Context Collector
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Environment OpenADR - Cloned to ENERGYINTEROP-542 for Market Context Collector OpenADR - Cloned to ENERGYINTEROP-543 for Market Context Collector
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Resolution Fixed in ENERGYINTEROP-543 .
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Resolution Fixed in ENERGYINTEROP-543 . See ENERGYINTEROP-543 .

          "Change EiMarketContext uses to emix:MarketContextType as needed; see comments and linked items for details. "
          william.cox William Cox (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Applied [ 10002 ]
          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Applied [ 10002 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            • Assignee:
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: