I can see where this can get a little complicated I think we have the following options:
(1) The force constraints is applied to any availability period that intersects with the active event period and if there is more than one of them then the event start time is the beginning of the fist availability period that the event intersects with and the end of the event period is the end of the last availability period that it interacts with.
(2) We eliminate the force altogether. I think I like this option the most.
I can see where this can get a little complicated I think we have the following options:
(1) The force constraints is applied to any availability period that intersects with the active event period and if there is more than one of them then the event start time is the beginning of the fist availability period that the event intersects with and the end of the event period is the end of the last availability period that it interacts with.
(2) We eliminate the force altogether. I think I like this option the most.