The eiCreateAvailPayload has one confusing issue: It is our understanding that the VEN would specify the behavior characteristic (Force, etc) but behavior does not appear in the create payload. Oddly it does get returned in eiCreatedAvailPayload. It doesn't seem to make sense that the OpenADR Alliance Comments on EI v1.0, July 8, 2011 Page | 3 VTN would dictate how events get mapped to the VENs availability schedule. More description is needed.
NOTE 20111002: Per ENERGYINTEROP-512 "Force" has been removed from the enumeration.
NOTE 20111025: The EiAvailBehaviorType is in EiAvailType, and is sent by the VEN to the VTN. This appears to address the issue. The response (EiCreatedAvail) returns an AvailID.
ENERGYINTEROP-512as applied eliminates Force from the enumeration.This behavior may be defined in the program, which would suggest in the StandardTerms for the marketContext, or it may be done by the VEN as needed. The behavior needs to be unambiguous.