Inside the current revision of the proposal for an OData Delta Query Protocol i.e. [OData Delta Query Protocol Design 2012-12-19.docx]( we should be clearer, as what the reader should understand as "flat, heterogeneous" in the last list item of section "Delta Responses" :?)
Is it in JSON a (one dimensional) vector of maps/dicts ?
""" ...
For delta queries that are tracking changes to a set of related entities (for example, the result of a $expand request), the result includes changes to related entities, as well as added or deleted links, returned in a flat, heterogeneous result."""
As she learns later from the samples for ATOM and JSON on the later pages, it is for ATOM a sequence of elements all children of the feed root element and for JSON a (one dimensional) vector of flat key-value dicts.
I read Mikes issue item in the list following the main text of the document the way, that we also would prfoit from a central definition point of such a term in our collection of work products. This issue focusses on readability at the location the term first enters the stage in the document.
I acknowledge the issue as applied in the current revision [OData Delta Query Protocol Design 2013-1-23.docx]( .