Currently there's no restriction on which primitive types can be used for key properties; yet Edm.Stream doesn't really make sense, Edm.Binary is dubious, and Edm.Double, Edm.Single, and the Edm.Geo types are problematic when used in keys.
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Proposal |
Restrict the allowed types for key properties in section 7.2.1 to: Edm.Boolean Edm.Byte Edm.Date Edm.DateTimeOffset Edm.Decimal Edm.Duration Edm.Guid Edm.Int16 Edm.Int32 Edm.Int64 Edm.SByte Edm.String Edm.TimeOfDay Which means that the following are excluded: Edm.Binary Edm.Double Edm.Geo* Edm.Single Edm.Stream |
Restrict the allowed types for key properties in section 7.2.1 to: Edm.Boolean Edm.Byte Edm.Date Edm.DateTimeOffset Edm.Decimal Edm.Duration Edm.GeographyPoint Edm.GeometryPoint Edm.Guid Edm.Int16 Edm.Int32 Edm.Int64 Edm.SByte Edm.String Edm.TimeOfDay Which means that the following are excluded: Edm.Binary Edm.Double Edm.Geo* Edm.Single Edm.Stream Accepted: |
Status | New [ 10000 ] | Open [ 1 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Assignee | Ralf Handl [ ralfhandl ] |
Resolution | | |
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Applied [ 10002 ] |
Reporter | Ralf Handl [ ralfhandl ] | Ralf Handl [ handl ] |
Assignee | Ralf Handl [ ralfhandl ] | Ralf Handl [ handl ] |