

    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Component/s: TRS
    • Labels:
    • Proposal:

      1) Update the specification to describe the use case as non-normative text. Perhaps as a new section. The use case is that a TRS provider and a TRS consumer might wish to cooperatively support efficient filtering of tracked resources. We should include an example.

      2) Allow some subset of data about the tracked resource to be included in the change event. Allow a trs:Creation or trs:Modifcation resource to use a trs:changedResource (new predicate) to reference some properties. For example:
      a trs:Modification ;
      trs:changed <https://a.example.com/config/a1> ;
      trs:order "102"^^xsd:integer ;
      trs:changedResource [
      a rm:Requirement

      3) Include trs:changedResource in vocabulary for trs:Creation and trs:Modification

      1) Update the specification to describe the use case as non-normative text. Perhaps as a new section. The use case is that a TRS provider and a TRS consumer might wish to cooperatively support efficient filtering of tracked resources. We should include an example. 2) Allow some subset of data about the tracked resource to be included in the change event. Allow a trs:Creation or trs:Modifcation resource to use a trs:changedResource (new predicate) to reference some properties. For example: <urn-3:a.example.com:2014-04-28T17:39:32.000Z:102> a trs:Modification ; trs:changed < https://a.example.com/config/a1 > ; trs:order "102"^^xsd:integer ; trs:changedResource [ a rm:Requirement ] 3) Include trs:changedResource in vocabulary for trs:Creation and trs:Modification


      Currently, a TRS event only references the tracked resource's URI. If a consumer of the TRS data is only interested in a subset of the exposed tracked resources, it has to consume the events and perform a GET on each referenced tracked resource in order to determine whether it is of interest.




            • Assignee:
              jamsden James Amsden
              DavidHoney David Honey
            • Watchers:
              4 Start watching this issue


              • Created: