Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Component/s: Document Upload Request, First public review
Submitted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 19:35
Submitted by user:
Submitted values are:
Your name: G. Ken Holman
TC name: Universal Business Language
TC email address: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
This ticket requests: Publish Committee Draft and release for public review
Title: UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0
Approval link: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201701/msg00010.html
Abstract: This committee note supplements the OASIS Universal Business
version 2.1 release with an alternative expression of the UBL sample XML
documents in JSON syntax, and a JSON schema expression of all 65 XSD schemas
conformance to the OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version
Notification list:
Anders Grangard <anders.grangard@gs1.org>
Lance Thompson <lance.thompson@conex.net>
(and others hopefully to follow before publishing)
The two work products "Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version 1.1"
specification of new rules) and "UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation
1.0" (an implementation of the new rules) are meant to be put out to public
review together so that reviewers have both the specification and note in
without missing the other.
The note has a cross reference to the specification (but not the other way
The public review text for the specification is at:
The public review text for the note is at:
The following paragraphs could be considered for use in the public review
An important and powerful method to design interoperable business documents
to construct logical semantic models using concepts described in the
Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) Version 2.01. From these
semantic models one can create physical syntax models with which to express
content constraints of actual business documents to be interchanged.
The OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules (BDNDR) Version 1.1 Draft
Specification prescribes a set of naming and design rules used to create
complete CCTS models of interoperable business documents. It also includes
rules needed to create validation artefacts corresponding to them. For XML
syntax, the rules govern creating W3C Schema (XSD) and OASIS Context/value
Association (CVA) validation artefacts. For JSON syntax, the rules govern
creating JSON Schema validation artefacts.
JSON is the JavaScript Object Notation described by ISO/IEC 21778 Information
technology — The JSON data interchange format, initially published at
https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-404.htm as
404 The JSON data interchange format. JSON Schema is the vocabulary
at http://json-schema.org for annotating and validating JSON documents.
BDNDR Version 1.1 changes no rules for XML syntax from BDNDR Version 1.0 and
only adds the new rules prescribed for JSON syntax.
The UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0 Draft Note engages
JSON rules from BDNDR and publishes the CCTS models of UBL 2.1 as
json-schema.org validation artefacts. Also included in the package is a
transliteration into JSON syntax of each of the UBL 2.1 sample XML instances,
all of which validate with the provided JSON schemas.
These two work products are being published simultaneously for reviewers to
with a complete implementation of the proposed new rules for JSON
of CCTS document models. The OASIS UBL TC welcomes formal feedback of this
approach to working with JSON syntax. Please use the
list to do so.
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Component/s | 30-day Public Review [ 10166 ] | |
Component/s | Document Upload Request [ 10094 ] | |
Assignee | Chet Ensign [ chet-oasis ] | |
Environment | UBL | |
Reporter | Chet Ensign [ chet.ensign ] | Ken Holman [ gkholman ] |
Summary | Request a first public review for an approved draft | Request a first public review for UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0 |
Assignee | Chet Ensign [ chet-oasis ] |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | In Progress [ 3 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | In Progress [ 3 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |