Submitted on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - 16:47
Submitted by user:
Submitted values are:
Your name: Justin Stewart
TC name: Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
TC email address:
GitHub repository name: cti-interop
Stephen Russett, stephenott,
Justin Stewart, jstewart-lgscout,
Description: This repository contains issues and code related to the
interoperability concerns for STIX and TAXII specifications as maintained by
Purpose statement :
[ X ] Create the three required startup files using templates - This will be a reference to the OASIS IPR Mode and the TC's mode
Load the files to the repository
[ X ] Set and check the repository configuration options
On repo Settings menu
Options Menu
Under Data Serivces, check Vulnerability alerts on
Check Allow merge commits, Allow squash merging, and Allow rebase merging
Confirm association of the team with the repository
Collaborators and teams
Confirm the right team is associated with the repository
Branches. Confirm that the team has Write permission.
set any branch protections requested by the Maintainers
by default, set up GitHub protection for the "master" branch
use of the master branch is not required, but most projects do so
under "Branch protection rules", choose "master" and click two check boxes
Branch protection for master [x] Protect this branch - Disables force-pushes to this branch and prevents it from being deleted. [x] Include administrators - Enforce all configured restrictions for administrators.
save changes
Vulnerability alerts
Select the write team
Click Save changes
[ X ] Send formal notification to Maintainers with links to relevant documentation
[ X ] Enable wiki, issues, and projects from Settings menu
Chet Ensign
added a comment - - edited [ X ] Verify the request and check to ensure an email was generated from JIRA to the TC mailing list
[ X ] verify that the essential information is complete and well-formed. verify that the GitHub repository name does not already exist
[ X ] Ensure that Maintainers are OASIS Members (not Observers).
[ X ] Create the Maintainer Team
[ X ] Add maintainers to Team
Go to team page (e.g. )
Click on Members in upper right menu (should have 1 in a circle next to it).
Click Add a member
Search for member's GitHub ID. Click on the member's ID
Confirm adding the user to the repo. User may have to reply to an invitation to join.
[ X ] Create the repository
[ X ] Create the three required startup files using templates - This will be a reference to the OASIS IPR Mode and the TC's mode
Load the files to the repository
[ X ] Set and check the repository configuration options
On repo Settings menu
Options Menu
Under Data Serivces, check Vulnerability alerts on
Check Allow merge commits, Allow squash merging, and Allow rebase merging
Confirm association of the team with the repository
Collaborators and teams
Confirm the right team is associated with the repository
Branches. Confirm that the team has Write permission.
set any branch protections requested by the Maintainers
by default, set up GitHub protection for the "master" branch
use of the master branch is not required, but most projects do so
under "Branch protection rules", choose "master" and click two check boxes
Branch protection for master
[x] Protect this branch - Disables force-pushes to this branch and prevents it from being deleted.
[x] Include administrators - Enforce all configured restrictions for administrators.
save changes
Vulnerability alerts
Select the write team
Click Save changes
[ X ] Send formal notification to Maintainers with links to relevant documentation
[ X ] Enable wiki, issues, and projects from Settings menu
[ X ] Update TC home page with label and links
[ X ] Send formal notification to TC
[ X ] Verify the request and check to ensure an email was generated from JIRA to the TC mailing list
[ X ] verify that the essential information is complete and well-formed. verify that the GitHub repository name does not already exist
[ X ] Ensure that Maintainers are OASIS Members (not Observers).
[ X ] Create the Maintainer Team
[ X ] Add maintainers to Team
[ X ] Create the repository
[ X ] Create the three required startup files using templates
[ X ] Set and check the repository configuration options
Branch protection for master
[x] Protect this branch - Disables force-pushes to this branch and prevents it from being deleted.
[x] Include administrators - Enforce all configured restrictions for administrators.
[ X ] Send formal notification to Maintainers with links to relevant documentation
[ X ] Enable wiki, issues, and projects from Settings menu
[ X ] Update TC home page with label and links
[ X ] Send formal notification to TC