Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Component/s: Document Upload Request
Submitted on Friday, June 11, 2021 - 15:25
Submitted by user: censign
Submitted values are:
Your name: Chet Ensign
TC name: OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC
TC email address: cti@lists.oasis-open.org
Title: STIX Version 2.1
Approval link:
Notes: Approval date is 10 June 2021. TAXII also approved on same ballot.
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Looks good. I approve to promote to docs.oasis-open.org.
To be moved along with TAXII (TCADMIN-4007).
- Synced files from /ztest to canonical directory (/htdocs)
- Synced to OASIS Library (docs.oasis-open.org)
- checked links, etc.
TCADMIN-4007) looks fine - For STIX (
TCADMIN-4006), issues noted in References:- three links for unicode.org documents are currently unresponsive (two Normative)
- Informative reference [Casey2007] is badly formatted, with a hidden (one space character) hyperlink to "https://communities.intel.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/1151-102-1-1111/Threat%20Agent%20Library_07-2202w.pdf" in addition to the visible and correct link to researchgate.net.
- I will correct/remove this hidden link and reload.
STIX files fixed and replaced in canonical (htdocs) directory
- synced to OASIS Library
- link check looks better
- unicode.org back online
- a few other instance of doubled or "hidden" links still remain, but appear unnoticeable
- example is Informative reference [WEP], with a hidden link for "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4610935/" placed in the space character between the colon and the visible URI "https://www.cia.gov/resources/csi/studies-in-intelligence/archives/vol-8-no-4/words-of-estimative-probability/"
- other hidden links in the space character between the colon and "https" are present in the references [JSON Schema], [CVE], [CAPEC], [X.509], [TLP], [RFC7539], [RFC6234], [RFC5322], [RFC4122], [RFC3986], [RFC3339], [RFC3174], [RFC2047], [RFC1321], [NVD], [NIST SP800-38D], [Media Types], [IPFIX], [IEEE 754-2008], and [FIPS202] (in each of these instances, the "hidden" hyperlink matches the visible hyperlink).
- It's likely that these hidden or duplicative hyperlinks are artifacts of some editorial gesture (set of keystrokes, etc.) or possibly Google Docs/MS Word interaction.
- I will leave this document as it is now, since none of the hidden links is broken or malicious.
Requested sanity checks for STIX and TAXII:
Please review the OASIS Library installation of the files for STIX v2.1 OS and TAXII v2.1 OS.
I fixed and replaced the STIX files to address a broken "hidden" hyperlink (i.e., associated with the space character just before "https[...]"). During installation, I detected about 20 other "hidden" hyperlinks in references. These are not broken, and all but one are simply duplicates of the visible hyperlinks. I did not go back and try to fix these, as they are essentially not noticeable.
Otherwise, these both look good to me. The files are:
STIX Version 2.1
OASIS Standard
10 June 2021
[Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4006.]
TAXII Version 2.1
OASIS Standard
10 June 2021
[Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4007.]
All looks good. I approve to release.
- Removed README warning file and reset directory timestamp in canonical directory on staging server.
- synced to OASIS Library (docs.oasis-open.org)
- Installed link document in TC's Kavi repository, in "Approved Work Products":
Document Name: STIX v2.1 OS
This document is a link to https://docs.oasis-open.org/cti/stix/v2.1/os/stix-v2.1-os.html
STIX Version 2.1
OASIS Standard
10 June 2021
Submitter: Paul Knight
Technical Contact: Mr. Bret Jordan
Group: OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC
Folder: Approved Work Products
Date submitted: 2021-06-10 06:42:32
- Ready for announcements.
Assigning to Chet for OS announcements, along with TAXII.
The OS is announced. See https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/06/23/stix-v2-1-and-taxii-v2-1-oasis-standards-are-published/. TWeeted and posted to LI. Email announcements sent out. The standards page is updated and the TC's webpage is updated.
No other tasks left so I will close this ticket.
Public link for ballot is:
Updated files from CS03 to OS - no issues noted.
Please review the staging server installation of the files for STIX v2.1 OS.
This will be released along with the TAXII OS.
The only changes from the CS03 stage are the usual front matter items.
The files are:
STIX Version 2.1
OASIS Standard
10 June 2021
Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4006.