Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Component/s: Document Upload Request, First public review
Your name:
Jim Cabral
Project name:
OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee
Project email address:
Title and version number:
ECF 5.01 Web Services SIP CSD1/PRD1
[1] legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org
[2] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalxml-courtfiling/ballot.php?id=3697
Initial review - this includes:
- 12 .wsdl files - need updated copyright blocks
- namespace document - minor updates needed
- will also need to add two new namespaces to TC config.xml file.
- docx file
- old template needs some updates, similar to main ECF document
Updating many elements to conform to current template:
- Logo, Notices, OASIS hyperlinks, "stage", etc.
- Removed Section 1.3 IPR Policy (which is strictly repetitive of text in "Status"), after verifying that there are no cross-references to it by section number, or to subsequent sections 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.5 or 1.6. (Now renumbered.)
Generated PDF and HTML formats.
Set up base-tagged HTML file.
Fixed up namespace document.
Updated copyright blocks for 12 files in /examples and /schema.
Set up public review metadata document.
Set up config.xml file with the two new namespaces for v5.01. Installed this into /ztest and set the timestamp for this file.
Ready for staging operations.
Prepared and installed files for staging review:
- prepared files with timestamps, ZIP, and manifest in personal directory
- staging directory in place for ECF (
TCADMIN-4201) - created new Version 5.01 and stage directory [typically ".../ztest/TCName/WorkProductAbbreviation/VersionNumber/Stage"]
- copied files into stage directory
- added new symlinks
- installed README warning file and public review metadata file
- set timestamps for directory and symlinks, also for version directory.
- checked installation
Requested internal OASIS staff staging review (non-public server):
Please review the staging server installation of the files for ECF 5.01 Web Services SIP CSD01.
The files are:
Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.01
Committee Specification Draft 01
31 May 2022
WSDL schemas: https://docs-staging.oasis-open.org/ztest/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf-webservices/v5.01/csd01/schema/
XML WSDL examples: https://docs-staging.oasis-open.org/ztest/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf-webservices/v5.01/csd01/examples/
Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4202.
Noted that the Abstract text is incorrect. It refers to "a Service Interaction Profile, as defined in section 6 [of ECF v5.01]", but it should refer to section 7, entitled "Service Interaction Profiles." - for Public Review comment.
i reviewed the files. Everything looks good. i approve to promote to docs.oasis-open.org
Promoted to docs.oasis-open.org
- Synced files from /ztest to canonical directory (/htdocs)
- Synced to OASIS Library (docs.oasis-open.org)
- checked links, etc.
- no issues noted
[ ] Need to update the public review metadata documents after sanity check.
Requested sanity check (for both ECF TC specs):
Please review the OASIS Library installation of the files for ECF v5.01 csd01 and ECF Web Services SIP v5.01 csd01.
I did not find any unexpected issues, although there are some broken and outdated links in ECF v5.01, noted in the staging review comments for PR comments. I will update the public review metadata documents before release.
The files are:
Electronic Court Filing Version 5.01
Committee Specification Draft 01
23 May 2022
XML schemas and Genericode code lists:
XML example messages:
Model and documentation:
UML model artifacts:
- Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4201.
Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.01
Committee Specification Draft 01
31 May 2022
WSDL schemas: https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf-webservices/v5.01/csd01/schema/
XML WSDL examples: https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf-webservices/v5.01/csd01/examples/
- Please add comments to https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TCADMIN-4202.
These files look ready to go. I approve to release.
Prepared files for announcements
- Installed updated public review metadata document
- Removed README warning file and reset directory timestamp in canonical /htdocs directory on staging server.
- synced to OASIS Library (docs.oasis-open.org)
- Installed link document in TC's Kavi repository, in "Approved Work Products":
Document Name: ECF Webservices SIP v5.01 CSD01
This document is a link to https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf-webservices/v5.01/csd01/ecf-webservices-v5.01-csd01.html
Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.01
Committee Specification Draft 01
31 May 2022
WSDL schemas:
XML WSDL examples:
Submitter: Paul Knight
Technical Contact: Mr. James Cabral
Group: OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC
Folder: Approved Work Products
Date submitted: 2022-05-31 10:16:25
- Ready for announcements.
Sent out announcement message to:
- project-announce@lists.oasis-open.org, members@lists.oasis-open.org, legalxml-courtfiling@lists.oasis-open.org, legalxml-courtfiling-comment@lists.oasis-open.org, legalxml-ms@lists.oasis-open.org
- email: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/members/202206/msg00005.html
Installed announcement in OASIS website; submitted for Chet's review.
Assigning to Chet to review and publish website article.
Sent follow-up email to TC:
I published the announcement and pushed it to social media. All tasks complete so I will close the ticket.
Approval date is 31 May 2022.
Approved material is:
Public link: