Status: Resolved
Resolution: Applied
Component/s: pre-award
The description in 3.2.58 Qualification Application Response Schema in UBL 2.3 is "A document whereby an Economic Operator (the tenderer) makes a description of the required qualification Application (In Europe: ESPD Response) to an Contracting Authority"
However in the html representation of UBL UBL 2.3 os - UBL-QualificationApplicationResponse-2.3 (oasis-open.org)
The definition is: "A document issued by a procurement organization to notify an economic operator whether it has been admitted to or excluded from the tendering process"
The descritpion in 3.2.58 is more or less correct I would however suggest to write something clearer such as:
A document whereby an Economic Operator (the tenderer) replies to the Qualification Application Request of the Contracting Authority.
Agreed at the 10/26 Atlantic call to implement this.