

      The Waybill is missing the following information for Peppol Logistics


      WaybillType (Bill of Laden, Airwaybill, CMR, House waybill etc..)

      ConsolidatedIndicator (is the waybill consolidated from other waybills)

      VersionID (The ID of the version of this Waybill)

      Status (The status of the waybill (draft, signed, approved, ...)

      IssuePlace (The place where the waybill is issued)

      SenderParty (the party who sends the waybill. Thios can not be detirmined from the role)

      ReceiverParty (the party who receives the waybill)

      TransportExecutionPlanDocumentReference (a reference to a transportExecutionPlan)



          peter.borresen1 Peter Borresen [X] (Inactive) created issue -
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Labels 2.4-discussion
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Assignee Peter Borresen [X] [ peter.borresen1 ] Peter Borresen [ peter.borresen ]
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Reporter Peter Borresen [X] [ peter.borresen1 ] Peter Borresen [ peter.borresen ]
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Status New [ 10000 ] Open [ 1 ]
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Description The Waybill is missing the following information for Peppol Logistics


          WaybillType (Bill of Laden, Airwaybill, CMR, House waybill etc..)

          ConsolidatedIndicator (is the waybill consolidated from other waybills)

          VersionID (The ID of the version of this Waybill)

          Status (The status of the waybill (draft, signed, approved, ...)

          IssuePlace (The place where the waybill is issued)

          SenderParty (the party who sends the waybill. Thios can not be detirmined from the role)

          ReceiverParty (the party who receives the waybill)

          [TransportExecutionPlanDocumentReference (a reference to a transportExecutionPlan)|]
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Environment The Waybill is missing the following information for Peppol Logistics


          WaybillType (Bill of Laden, Airwaybill, CMR, House waybill etc..)

          ConsolidatedIndicator (is the waybill consolidated from other waybills)

          VersionID (The ID of the version of this Waybill)

          Status (The status of the waybill (draft, signed, approved, ...)

          IssuePlace (The place where the waybill is issued)

          SenderParty (the party who sends the waybill. Thios can not be detirmined from the role)

          ReceiverParty (the party who receives the waybill)

          [TransportExecutionPlanDocumentReference (a reference to a transportExecutionPlan)|]
          kenneth.bengtsson Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Resolution Applied [ 7 ]
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]


            • Assignee:
              peter.borresen Peter Borresen
              peter.borresen Peter Borresen
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: