In the original design we discussed the need for specifying the partage of a goods item in terms of Fuel consumption for the whole consignment or shipment stage. I cannot find this in PRD2. We need to have something like this in the GoodsItem
Peter Borresen
added a comment - In a meeting 2023-07-03 with Kees, Kenneth, Erlend, Peter and external stakholders from Beast in Sweden we agreed
1) To change FuelConsumtion til EnergyConsumtion:
EnergyConsumtion [0..n]
ID [0..1]
EnergyTypeCode [0..1]
EnergyType [0..1]
EnergyConsumptionMeasure [0..1]
AdditionlFuelProperty [0..n]
EnergyMeetering [0..n]
EnvironmentalEmission [0..n]
2) To add a new element, here proposed as
AllocatedEnvironmentalEmission [0..n]
3) To add EnergyConsumtion to Consignment instead of EnvironmentalEmission
4) To add EnergyConsumtion to ShipmentStage
5) To add EnergyConsumtionAllocation to GoodsItem
Some of the elements in the above comment were discussed in the meeting yesterday, however it was not a TSC meeting and the outcome was for some in the meeting to provide a proposal for further discussion.
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
added a comment - Some of the elements in the above comment were discussed in the meeting yesterday, however it was not a TSC meeting and the outcome was for some in the meeting to provide a proposal for further discussion.
We agreed the need for a proposal to discuss. Nothing of what you posted July 4th has been discussed in a UBL or TSC meeting, thus not agreed on for inclusion in the next release of UBL.
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
added a comment - We agreed the need for a proposal to discuss. Nothing of what you posted July 4th has been discussed in a UBL or TSC meeting, thus not agreed on for inclusion in the next release of UBL.
True, my intension was to update the UBL model in a branch so we all could see, what was listed above. But I could not change the model in the branch and you did not reply on my mails, so I did not manange in time to call in for a meeting. No one than Kenneth and I showed up at the meeting friday.
Peter Borresen
added a comment - True, my intension was to update the UBL model in a branch so we all could see, what was listed above. But I could not change the model in the branch and you did not reply on my mails, so I did not manange in time to call in for a meeting. No one than Kenneth and I showed up at the meeting friday.
I think my comment July 4th was pretty clear, we needed something for further discussion. That would involve actual discussions. There are radical changes proposed in the comment of July 4th compared to UBL-336, and there were plenty of time to set up potentially multiple meeting earlier than the last Friday the week before voting.
Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
added a comment - - edited I think my comment July 4th was pretty clear, we needed something for further discussion. That would involve actual discussions. There are radical changes proposed in the comment of July 4th compared to UBL-336 , and there were plenty of time to set up potentially multiple meeting earlier than the last Friday the week before voting.
In a meeting 2023-07-03 with Kees, Kenneth, Erlend, Peter and external stakholders from Beast in Sweden we agreed
1) To change FuelConsumtion til EnergyConsumtion:
2) To add a new element, here proposed as
3) To add EnergyConsumtion to Consignment instead of EnvironmentalEmission
4) To add EnergyConsumtion to ShipmentStage
5) To add EnergyConsumtionAllocation to GoodsItem