New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: No Action
Component/s: None
The following comment was provided by Duncan Sparrell to the UBL 2.4 call for consent:
UBL 2.4, as all UBL since 1.0, is "is provided under the 'RF on Limited Terms Mode' of the 'OASIS IPR Policy" and the UBL IPR page (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ipr.php) has a statement by Sun Microsystems about IPR wrt UBL 1.0. Many things have changed since that statement was made.
- Sun Microsystems no longer exists and its IPR may belong to Oracle or may belong to someone else; and it's not clear whether Sun's successors have the same obligation
- The statement made in 2006 is more than 14 years ago so patents in effect at the time of that statement would have expired.
- UBL 2.4 is significantly different than UBL 1.0 so without knowing what patents are referred to, they may no longer apply to the newer specs
Would it be possible in this or a future version of UBL to update the IPR statement wrt to whatever the current state is wrt IPR for UBL 2.4? Obviously it would have to be caveated that it would not be a legal opinion and any implementors should contact their lawyers, but any clarifications would more helpful than the current statement because the standard is under the RF on Limited Terms Mode IPR Policy.