Uploaded image for project: 'OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC'
  1. OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC
  2. UBL-385

Should we publish an XSD without the "deprecated" elements?


    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:


      As part of the UBL 2.5 work we created a "Deprecation Policy" to mark elements that the TC will report from a future 3.x UBL version and is discouraging people to use these elements going forward in the 2.5 and later versions.

      To assist people with this .. we could create XSDs that don't contain these elements .. so that people can use those XSDs if they wish to see what the impact will be on their implementations.

      This ticket is to track the discussion about whether we should do this and if it should be part of the 2.5 specs or a separate committee note?



          keesduvekot Kees Duvekot created issue -
          KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Environment As part of the UBL 2.5 work we created a "Deprecation Policy" to mark elements that the TC will report from a future 3.x UBL version and is discouraging people to use these elements going forward in the 2.5 and later versions.

          To assist people with this .. we could create XSDs that don't contain these elements .. so that people can use those XSDs if they wish to see what the impact will be on their implementations.

          This ticket is to track the discussion about whether we should do this and if it should be part of the 2.5 specs or a separate committee note?
          KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Description As part of the UBL 2.5 work we created a "Deprecation Policy" to mark elements that the TC will report from a future 3.x UBL version and is discouraging people to use these elements going forward in the 2.5 and later versions.

          To assist people with this .. we could create XSDs that don't contain these elements .. so that people can use those XSDs if they wish to see what the impact will be on their implementations.

          This ticket is to track the discussion about whether we should do this and if it should be part of the 2.5 specs or a separate committee note?
          KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Assignee Kenneth Bengtsson [ kenneth.bengtsson ] Kenneth Bengtsson [ kbengtsson2 ]
          KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Labels 2.5-discussion
          KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson made changes -
          Status New [ 10000 ] Open [ 1 ]


            • Assignee:
              KBengtsson2 Kenneth Bengtsson
              keesduvekot Kees Duvekot
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: