Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 2.1_csprd01
Fix Version/s: 2.1_csprd02, 2.1_csprd04
Component/s: ITS Module
I'm not sure how we can say that MT Confidence is supported in XLIFF:
The ITS specification does not have global pointer for that data category in ITS.
Isn't this a case similar to Localization Note where we can easily transfer the data into XLIFF, but technically, a ITS processor
cannot get the same result?
In the meeting 16th May 2017, we agreed that there are three possible solutions
1) keep looking for annotatorsRef to see which category is represented
2) reserve mtc:matchQuality for its:mtConfidence and represent rating score with the W3C namespace
3) use W3C namespace for both, encourage implementers to use the same score for its:mtConfidence and mtc:matchQuality
We also noted that this issue doesn't exist in core where both categories use the W3C ITS namespace.
Yves to get Felixe's opinion on whether 2 or 3 is better. TC fine with either.