Subject: Call for Comment: proposed Charter for Security Algorithms and Methods (SAM) TC To: --> tc-announce@, members@, oasis-charter-discuss@, tab@ cc;,,,, OASIS Members: A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the Security Algorithms and Methods (SAM) TC. In accordance with the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2: ( the proposed charter is hereby submitted for comment. The comment period shall remain open until 23:59 GMT on 13 May 2020. OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this list by sending email to: All messages will be publicly archived at: Members who wish to receive emails must join the group by selecting "join group" on the group home page: Employees of organizational members do not require primary representative approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail. This call for comment is also available as a Google Doc. See Comments may be left on that document. Comments received will be reviewed by the proposers and a log of the comments and their resolution will be posted to oasis-charter-discuss mailing list before the telephone call with the convener. A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend no more than four days after the comment period closes. The announcement and call-in information will be noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar. We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the proposed TC (SAM TC) in the subject line of your email message. Comments received will be reviewed by the proposers and a log of the comments and their resolution will be posted to oasis-charter-discuss mailing list before the telephone call with the convener. If you wish to be listed as a co-proposer in the Call for Participation, please contact the convener Tony Cox, ( no later than 23 May 2020. For representatives of OASIS organizational members, a statement of support from their Primary Representative will be required. --- Section 1: TC Charter (1)(a) TC Name Security Algorithms and Methods (SAM) (1)(b) Statement of Purpose The SAM Technical Committee will develop a set of documents to aid in the interoperability of implementations implementing cryptographic capabilities in support of OASIS and other standards and specifications. The TC’s work products will allow for the earlier adoption of newer security algorithms and approaches and to provide other technical committees a path to adoption where those defining the algorithms, mechanisms and methods are themselves not focused on or interested in the formal standardisation process. Business Benefits Many organizations are unable to conform with a range of standards that deal with cryptographic algorithms or methods because there are a number of algorithms and methods that are not documented in a manner that is able to be referenced by implementers. The SAM TC works to deliver the following business benefits: - Enable referencing of new algorithms and methods for utilization in other standards work (including multiple OASIS TCs) - Enable referencing of new algorithms and methods such that their use may be interoperable - Provide a faster path to the registration than existing methods such as NIST and the IETF (note: SAM TC does not seek to replace the work of other standards bodies, merely to provide a fast path to referencing the information) (1)(c) Scope The primary goal of the SAM Technical Committee will be to provide a well-documented collection of algorithms, mechanisms and methods, including test-vectors that can be used in other OASIS Technical Committees where the standards are not yet defined by another recognised standards body. This goal is expected to expand to cover items applicable to other standards that may also reference these items. Any evaluation of the included cryptographic algorithms, methods and objects contained in the specification are out of scope as the focus is providing a standardized set of references. (1)(d) Deliverables The format of the SAM TC Documentation will be agreed upon by the SAM TC but will include sufficient documentation to: - Capture target algorithms, mechanisms and methods in sufficient detail to enable implementers to use the work to reliably reproduce interoperable implementations; - Test target algorithms, mechanisms and methods to ensure accurate implementations can be generated; - Test target algorithms, mechanisms and methods to ensure implementations are interoperable; and - Define references sufficiently such that they can be used by OASIS and other standards in the production of other interoperable systems. (1)(e) IPR Mode The TC will operate under Non-Assertion mode. (1)(f) Audience SAM is intended for the following audiences: Architects, designers and implementers of providers and consumers of systems or services that may utilize cryptographic algorithms, methods or objects. (1)(g) Language Work group business and proceedings will be conducted in English. Section 2: Additional Information (2)(a) Identification of Similar Work - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - - Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Security Area (sec) - (2)(b) First TC Meeting June 23, 2020, 4pm US-EDT – Conference Call (2)(c) Ongoing Meeting Schedule Cryptsoft will host SAM TC meetings. (2)(d) TC Proposers - Tony Cox,, Cryptsoft - Tim Hudson,, Cryptsoft - Jason Thatcher,, Cryptsoft - Tim Chevalier,, NetApp - Judy Furlong,, Dell (2)(e) Primary Representatives' Support - Tim Hudson,, as OASIS primary representative for Cryptsoft Pty Ltd, confirms our support for the proposed SAM TC charter and endorses our participants listed above. - Judy Furlong, as OASIS primary representative for Dell, confirms our support for the proposed SAM TC charter and endorses our participants listed above. - David Dale,, as OASIS primary representative for NetApp Inc., confirms our support for the proposed SAM TC charter and endorses our participants listed above. (2)(f) TC Convener Tony Cox,, Cryptsoft (2)(g) OASIS Member Section ID Trust ( (2)(h) Anticipated Contributions N/A (2)(i) FAQ Document N/A (2)(j) Work Product Titles and Acronyms N/A