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  1. OASIS Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) TC
  2. AMQP-131

Clarify Source default-outcome and outcomes field descriptions



    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: New
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Messaging
    • Labels:
    • Proposal:

      Indicates the outcome the sender will use for transfers that have not reached a terminal state at the receiver when the transfer is settled, including when the source is destroyed.

      The values in this field are the symbolic descriptors of the outcomes that the sender will act upon if chosen by the receiver. The receiver SHOULD only choose an outcome from this list. This field MAY be empty, indicating that the default-outcome will be assumed for all message transfers. If the default-outcome is not set, and no outcomes are provided, then the accepted outcome MUST be supported by the source. When present, the values MUST be a symbolic descriptor of a valid outcome, e.g., “amqp:accepted:list”.

      default-outcome: Indicates the outcome the sender will use for transfers that have not reached a terminal state at the receiver when the transfer is settled, including when the source is destroyed. outcomes: The values in this field are the symbolic descriptors of the outcomes that the sender will act upon if chosen by the receiver. The receiver SHOULD only choose an outcome from this list. This field MAY be empty, indicating that the default-outcome will be assumed for all message transfers. If the default-outcome is not set, and no outcomes are provided, then the accepted outcome MUST be supported by the source. When present, the values MUST be a symbolic descriptor of a valid outcome, e.g., “amqp:accepted:list”.


      Currently the description of the default-outcome field of the source type is confusing:

      1) The specification says: "The value MUST be a valid outcome." This seems to contradict the fact that the field is not mandatory.

      2) The specification says: "Indicates the outcome to be used for transfers that have not reached a terminal state at the receiver when the transfer is settled, including when the source is destroyed." My understanding of this was that this instructs the receiver to use the specified outcome in the given scenario. This does not make sense. Rob mentioned in a private conversation that the intention is that this informs the receiver of the sender's behaviour in the given scenario.

      3) The description of the "outcomes" field is also unclear.




            • Assignee:
              lorenz.quack Lorenz Quack [X] (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              1 Start watching this issue


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