New Feature
Status: New
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: CPPA
----Original Message----
From: Cristiano Novelli cristiano.novelli@enea.it
Sent: 04 September 2009 11:17
To: Pim van der Eijk
Subject: Re: [ebcore] CPP/CPA enhancement suggestions
Hi Pim,
could be useful a way to describe files associate to the business document XML Schemas (specified in the SimplePart), but that don't become part of the message;
this file (associate to the XML Schema of a business document) could be, for example:
a report file,
or a documentation file about the collaboration, or a CAM template file, or something that is useful retrieve in the agreement matching task.
To describe in CPPA this reference associate file it could be need, for example, something like SimplePart/NamespaceAssociate/@location
Is there something or a way like this?
What do you think about it?
Best Regards
Cristiano Novelli
info http://summer.bologna.enea.it/~cristiano/information/
Any CPPA3 action can be associated with a PayloadProfile.
A PayloadProfile consists of one or more PayloadPart definitions.
Each PayloadPart can have any number of associated schemas.
These schemas can be of any type. XSD, RNG, Schematron etc.