Type: Improvement
Status: Applied
Priority: Trivial
Resolution: Fixed
Component/s: AS4 Profile
1. In-line citations: In-line citations such as [ebMS3-CP] aren't linked back to the entry in the References section.
Most specs link these types of references. They are sometimes bolded, sometimes not and thought that inconsistency might confuse some readers.
- Need to link back and have consistent font representations.
2. There are a number of broken links in the spec document. Many of these turn out to be links to faux URLs on the OASIS website (e.g.
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/push) or to docs.oasis-open.org (e.g.
The narrative explains that these are only meant to be identifiers, not links, however they are coded as live links in the document. They are broken links in the document and may give readers an incorrect expectation about what they can find on the web site.
- Correct the broken links or make them as identifiers and not links
3. We also noted some links where the URL appears in black but the link is indeed intended to be live, e.g.:
4.3 Processing Mode Parameter being present with the value http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope/role/ultimateReceiver
- Make all links the standard hyperlink color.