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  1. OASIS Emergency Management TC
  2. EMERGENCY-146

ETL: Rewrite opening paragraph of 2.7



    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Component/s: EDXL-CAP
    • Labels:
    • Resolution:

      A motion, to approve the change in Emergency-146 “Rewrite opening paragraph of 2.7”, was put forward by Rex and seconded by Norm. Rex asked to remove “extremely” from the text. The motion as amended was approved with all in favour.

      A motion, to approve the change in Emergency-146 “Rewrite opening paragraph of 2.7”, was put forward by Rex and seconded by Norm. Rex asked to remove “extremely” from the text. The motion as amended was approved with all in favour.


      The opening paragraph of 2.7 should be updated with this rewritten text.


      Since the inception of the CAP standard, event term usage in the <event> element in CAP based systems around the world has evolved to be wide ranging and varied. Alerting authorities, and their CAP originators, have fallen to a number of differing practices that makes comparisons of the <event> element values extremely difficult. The list below is not a complete list of these practices but does demonstrate various interpretations and aspects of the larger problem of assigning an event term in CAP.




            • Assignee:
              rexbrooks Rex Brooks
              jakewestfall Jacob Westfall (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: