
    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: New
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Component/s: EDXL-CAP
    • Labels:


      Modify the content for 5.3.5


      proxy terms that are otherwise not event terms (i.e., “red”).

      Red is not an event on its own, it is a quality tied to an impact scale. “Red” may be used by the authority in the <headline>, <description>, <parameter> or other elements as an alerting authority based preferred term but as an event these terms do not convey the idea of an event and make comparisons difficult. Multi-word terms that try to make an event out of a proxy event (i.e., “red issue”) are also not accepted, as this assumes a scale-based term. Turning the proxy term into an event in this manner provides no context to the term event as the definition of red on its own is a color. NOTE: Communities, such as public alerting based communities, are welcome to establish a set of color based terms and codes, however, originators of CAP messages are asked to also include a reference to the OASIS event code in one instance of the multi-instanced CAP <eventCode> element based on the actual event.




            • Assignee:
              jakewestfall Jacob Westfall
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: