Status: New
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: EDXL-CAP
The <area> block in CAP may either:
Refer to the area where the incident is taking place or affecting
- or -
It may refer to an area where there are people that we want to notify about the incident (Essentially a targeting area) - or-
It may refer to both (often times the same area we want to target is also the area of the incident)
It would be important for the processing system to know which it is, so as to take the proper action (for example system may target the people in the targeting area and send them a map of where the incident is taking place, and the two may be different)
First I wished there was a better attribute name other than area "type" to better define what the set name is for elements: "impact", "target, "Incident", etc.
Second, there were concerns with the polygon being a dominant contributor to the file size of a CAP message. This was brought up in the Canadian study/paper on "file size". How would introducing more polygons impact the file size, although there is a growing need to indicate both the incident and target locations?
Having said that, would a typical workflow determine the incident location; where the incident would have been reported first through another protocol such as SITREP and that would lead to a CAP "alert/warning" that references the incident message (i.e. SITREP message) which would hold the area "incident" information? Thus, reducing the CAP message payload.