960 delete the second :describes
992 change ramp speed to ramp rate until it gets up to hall of its maximum capability and the another until it reaches full capability.
1052 delete ).
1055 Change Rate to Power Units
Change Begin Ramp to Begin Ramp Quantity
Change End Ramp to End Ramp Quantity
Section 13.9 and are very confusing because they address ancillary service products that might be provided by resources. In addition we have the following Section 14 specifically focused on Ancillary Services including the same regulation and other product in Section 13.9 and Section 13.5
I suggest that we start by deleting Section 13.9 as redundant.
1133: I don't know that Pacific Northwest counts hydro as renewable. I doubt it as there is so much hydro in the PNW. The stark example I would use is that one state may count nuclear power as renewable where another may not.
1251 : should we be referring to the first interval or the designated interval?
1258 should be Product Type and not Contract Type (I think !!!)
1438 should say Product Description Elements and Prices and Quantities