Customers in CPP/Dynamic pricing, programmed against the simple levels. Moved those same into a dispatch by CAISO - fundamentally different - give me 50kW/100kW - not a price. But prog their strat against the simple levels didn't have to change anything. Dispatch is simple levels
What are the details? T: Pick one. B: different regions/VTNs. R: Finiet level, simple. In OpenADR picked 4 - not random. Done through 4-5 years of reasearch, go through consumer surveys on what they'd see inside the building, including control vendors, do with minimal effort to implmeent strategies. Red/Amber/Gree reflect in most devices. Basd on that - 3 + emergency were included on top. Years of reserach. 10MW has AB controleld systems. Industrial can use automation for RTP/DP.