EIOptout:contractName - what is this for?
venID is in twice once at root and again in EIOpt as 1->*. The defintions do nto match.
The definition in the recurring element reads like a customer account ID ("If this ProgramConstraint is associated with a specific ParticipantAccount then this is the
identifier of the ParticipantAccount that it is associated with.)
validDateTimes "These are the date/times during which a DR Event may be issued. If undefined then it is assumed that the DR Event may be issued at any time except as specified by the other constraints such as the black out dates and times." This looks like a program attribute.
maxConsecutiveDaysFilter No defintion. Enumerator of Accept or Reject. Accept or reject what?
blackOutDateTimes Redundant with optOutSchedule. I thought we were going to use this as Resource Constraint?