Especially when working deep within a specific domain with the hopes of generating interest in other domains, industry and cross-industry terms used in a spec need to be defined for the business reader and readers from other domains who may not be aware of specific industry definitions.
To support broad, thorough, and actionable review of the spec we should provide a glossary/vocabulary containing definitions for the industry terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used. Everyone has their own interpretation of words. This spec brings in vocabulary from several domains. It is critical that the vocabulary used in the spec be interpreted consistently to provide the basic underpinning for consensus and successful future use.
For examples on ways in which this is provided, see OASIS specs listed below, the NIST IKB (PAP 09 Deliverable 1), the NAESB documents, openADR spec, etc. (Sec 1.1 and Appendix D) (Sec 1)