The block header comments in the schema while at one time may have referred to the sections of the spec, no longer relate (have different titles than the spec sections they refer to, are sometimes unpopulated, just block comment heads with no content below). These should be cleaned up (or removed) before final release as they are confusing as is.
For instance, in resource.xsd there is a block comment header "<! 3.6 Voltage Regulation ->", but there is no section 3.6 in the spec and Voltage Regulation is described in section 13. In power.xsd there is a block comment header "<!- 9.9 Enumerations ->" and "<!- 9.9.1 Voltage -->" but there is no spec section 9.9. Other headers suggest content for spec sections that do exist but have different content. These are just examples. It seems most of them are no longer related.