Fig 6-8 line 961: missing request/sent
Line 967
CreateTransaction - thge TransactiveState must be Tender. CreatedTransaction The copy returned in CreatedTransaction must have TState Transaction.
Same issue as CreatedTender
AcceptanceID: should be deleted. party should be me (tendereeID?). . Send emix:UidType - look like should have 1..* tendID, and send no EMIX bases?. Send a tender if and only if you are accepting only part. MUST send a new tender - should send a counter offer. Tender says all or nothing or a portion. if IntegralOnly NOT SET, then can accept by sending a new tender with my values included.
Stock market analogy - a lot of tenders/orders on my screen, say I'll do a market order for 10mw of that - don't get a back tender.
If accept as-is, only use tenderID.0..* simpleAcceptTenderID 0..*
If quantities differ ONLY then do I sent an EmixBase. Need a list of pairs:
(TenderIDType, EmixBaseType) if values are not IntegralOnly)
THOUGHT: Delete accceptanceID
If your quantity-differs emixBase is not acceptable (e.g. violates *10 market rule) then that part fails THEN send list of faileed emixBase IDs and responseType for each.
Overall response - success if anything succeeded.
If accepted (acceptance, or counter with acceptable quantities) then return the transactionID
CONTINUE WITH Request/Sent Transaction