Change EIClasses 422 to read "eiDeliver is based on EMIXDelivery and provides metering information in Transactive context"
425 change extensionbase to emix:emixBase "minOccurs="1",maxOccurs1"
1622 UML Figure 7-1 should be of emix:EMIX BaseType
Change the following:
EiCreateDelivery emix:DeliveryType [1..*] (needs to be filled in by the party receiving the message)
Correct schema and diagrams to match.
EiCreatedDelivery EiDeliverType [0..*]
EiDeliveryType should NOT extend StreamBaseType
Delete DeliveryPayloadType
Reasoning: This is not a stream, but an emix:Delivery, so should not extend the stream base or the stream payload base.
Use of EMIXBaseType prevously discussed and decided on. Practioners can also use Reports based on streams.