page 9 line 23-26:
This paragraph seems out of place as it is getting into the specifics of how any TE system should be designed, not just one using CTS.
page 9 line 41-42
Since CTS doesn't define the full protocol stack, interoperability with minimal or no change is not guaranteed.
page 10 line 53-54
What is meant by "none are interoperable either at the system level or for the actors"? Surely the systems were function and thus allowed the participants to interoperate. Do you means they weren't standardized and didn't interoperate across demonstrations and deployments?
page 16 line 268-269
"CTS message may be thought of as..." Are there consequences if I think of them in a different way? That is, perhaps the "may" should be changed to "must" or "shall" if that is the best and only way to think of them.
page 30 line 668
"CTS Delivery is used to report and power flow from a node..." may not be the sentence you're trying to write. The meaning is unclear to me.
page 30 line 668
"Every contract involves a includes a party that promises..." Something got messed up here.
page 30 line 674
"In most TE markets, taking a greater delivery than contracted for in any interval..." Back-to-back prepositions are not clear to me.
Comment 1: add reference the to approved Energy Interoperation note, [TEMIX]specifying constant rate of delivery.
Comment 2: specifically address protocol stack issues
Comment 3: eliminated reference to thought
Comment 4: Adopted clarifying verbiage from comment
Comment 5: This section was vague to many. Re-wrote the two introductory paragraphs to respond to this comment which will be overwritten, potentially, as other comments are addressed.
Comment 6: Agreed. See response to comment 5. Re-wrote from passive to active voice.
Comment 7: See comment 6.