New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: No Action
Affects Version/s: CTSPR01
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: cts
Sections 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 (beginning at line 158) discuss conformance with WS-Calendar Streams and with FSGIM. It should be noted that FSGIM extended the idea of Streams beyond just a sequence of identical, contiguous intervals (as documented in the FSGIM User Guide, beginning at page 221). I would recommend that the CTS committee consider this more general specification, which supports the notion of Streams as well as other, less periodic sequences.
Steve Ray
For consideration, the proposed text needs to be contributed to the Energy Interoperation Technical Committee. The simplest way is to email the relevant document(s) to energyinterop-comment@lists.oasis-open.org after subscribing to that list. The Streams-related classes in the 2016 FSGIM model do not appear different from the WS-Calendar standard.
There are no links provided, and locating "FSGIM User Guide" has not succeeded. We request that the commenter identify and provide relevant documents.