
    • Proposal:

      All references to Energy Interoperation have been replaced by EI except for

      • in the Preface (page 1) prior to EI definition in Section 1
      • in the references where a specific document (with title) is referenced

      Product Instrument, and Transaction are referenced loosely in the introductory material, for narrative reasons, and then defined normatively in section 2.1.3, All instances before 2.1.3 are lower case, and all instances after 2.1.3 are upper-cased, with a language review to make sure the normative definition is being used.
      All uses of product have been reviewed.
      When Product refers back to EMIX it remains un-capitalized because there was not a normative definition in EMIX
      Transaction is now capitalized when it refers to Transaction message or Tender interaction, but now when discussing general market dynamics.

      All references to Energy Interoperation have been replaced by EI except for in the Preface (page 1) prior to EI definition in Section 1 in the references where a specific document (with title) is referenced Product Instrument, and Transaction are referenced loosely in the introductory material, for narrative reasons, and then defined normatively in section 2.1.3, All instances before 2.1.3 are lower case, and all instances after 2.1.3 are upper-cased, with a language review to make sure the normative definition is being used. All uses of product have been reviewed. When Product refers back to EMIX it remains un-capitalized because there was not a normative definition in EMIX Transaction is now capitalized when it refers to Transaction message or Tender interaction, but now when discussing general market dynamics.
    • Resolution:

      Complete editorial pass on these issues.

      Complete editorial pass on these issues.


      There are 30 specific recommendations in the "Specific Recommendations" section of the submitted Hammerstrom paper. I have numbered them all for traceability as I recombine them into specific issues. The original white paper/submission can be read in the URI under "environment"There are 30 specific recommendations in the "Specific Recommendations" section of the submitted Hammerstrom paper. I have numbered them all for traceability as I recombine them into specific issues. The original white paper/submission can be read in the URI under "environment"
      5. Section 1.6: Do not jump between use of “EI,” “Energy Interoperation,” and “Energy Interoperation 1.0.” I presume these are all covered by acronym and reference “[EI]”. 

      17. Throughout: Consistent capitalization of “Products”, “Instruments”, “Transactions”, etc. is needed.  • Section 4.1 and throughout: I’m finding usage of “facet” to be misleading and confusing. These must be properties of some object or class or references to objects’ behaviors. Part of the problem perhaps evolves from the double meaning of “transaction” that is being allowed. At times it refers generally to an interaction between Parties; at other times, it refers to a specific state of that interaction after a Tender has been accepted and contracted. If this confusion were resolved, you could make clearer reference to the various properties and states that surround interactions between parties. 

      18. Throughout: Once defined, use “[EI]” consistently. 



          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) added a comment -


          Early sections re-written to eliminate "pre-definition". The comment is a good caution for final editing of each new version propposed for review.

          toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive) added a comment - Agreed. Early sections re-written to eliminate "pre-definition". The comment is a good caution for final editing of each new version propposed for review.
          WilliamCox William Cox added a comment -

          Transition all RESOLVED to APPLIED excepting ENERGYINTEROP-706 per Energy Interoperation TC Motion April 28, 2022.

          WilliamCox William Cox added a comment - Transition all RESOLVED to APPLIED excepting ENERGYINTEROP-706 per Energy Interoperation TC Motion April 28, 2022.
          WilliamCox William Cox added a comment -

          Transition all APPLIED to CLOSED per Energy Interoperation TC Motion April 28, 2022.

          WilliamCox William Cox added a comment - Transition all APPLIED to CLOSED per Energy Interoperation TC Motion April 28, 2022.


            • Assignee:
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              2 Start watching this issue


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