There are 30 specific recommendations in the "Specific Recommendations" section of the submitted Hammerstrom paper. I have numbered them all for traceability as I recombine them into specific issues. The original white paper/submission can be read in the URI under "environment"
6. Section 1.6: I’m awaiting the novel value of this “minimal transactive profile.” If valuable, why are the referenced standards not being extended instead of creating a separate CTS standard?
7. Section 2.1.1: This claim of hierarchical or “fractal” application of CTS is questionable. It seems that CTS provides means of procuring needed and selling surplus energies in time, but it does not aggregate the opportunities that could be embedded in an aggregate supply or demand curve. It is unlikely that dissimilar aggregated devices or prioritizable actor preferences can be combined at the same identical strike price.
10. Section 2.2.1: This treatment of “facets” seems to be a step backward and is not architecturally sound. The “facets” are first introduced as properties of interactions and later as Actor roles. These are certainly not actor roles and do not inherently even belong to Actors. What an odd mix! (Maybe these are “interaction profiles”?)
Item 10: The treatment and discussion of facets has evolved in the current work of the TC. A new introductory section "Use of Terms Actors and Facets in this Specification" addresses a number of issues raised here. Facets describe a capability for interaction which an Actor may support. I agree these are not "actor roles" but the capabilities describes how an Actor uses a particular capability (e.g. Position).
Facets are also used in conformance statements to describe capabilities for an Actor.