Sathyan Doraiswamy pointed out:
4.1.1 Non normative example
For example, a user wishing to gather electricity meter readings may decide that they need to use QoS 1 messages because they need to protect the readings against loss over the network, however they may have determined that the power supply is sufficiently reliable that the data in the Client and Server can be stored in volatile memory without too much risk of its loss.
Conversely a parking meter payment application provider might decide that there are no circumstances where a payment message can be lost so they require that all data are force written to non-volatile memory before it is transmitted across the network.
in the highlighted text above "there are no circumstances ", the statement , i think, should read as "there are circumstances" .. ("no" should be taken out)
since there are circumstances where message can be lost, so they require all data to be writted to non-volatile memory.. correct?