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  1. OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC
  2. OBIX-157

Confusing normative and non-normative text, ending in ambiguity



    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: OBIX 1.1 PR02
    • Fix Version/s: OBIX 1.1 WD25
    • Component/s: OBIX 1.1 Specification
    • Labels:
    • Environment:

      TAB Review

    • Proposal:

      Element names such as bool, int, or str are abbreviations for implied Contracts. However if an Object implements one of the primitive types, then it MUST use the correct OBIX type name. If an Object implements obix:int, then it MUST be expressed as <int/>, and MUST NOT use the form <obj is="obix:int"/>. An Object MUST NOT implement multiple value types, such as implementing both obix:bool and obix:int.

      Element names such as bool, int, or str are abbreviations for implied Contracts. However if an Object implements one of the primitive types, then it MUST use the correct OBIX type name. If an Object implements obix:int, then it MUST be expressed as <int/>, and MUST NOT use the form <obj is="obix:int"/>. An Object MUST NOT implement multiple value types, such as implementing both obix:bool and obix:int.


      "The use of ""example,"" to signal non-normative text is mixed with normative text, making it difficult for the reader to separate normative from non-normative material.

      One example (by no means the only one): 7.3 Is Attribute:

              • Note that element names such as bool, int, or str are abbreviations for implied Contracts. However if an Object implements one of the primitive types, then it MUST use the correct OBIX type name. For example if an Object implements obix:int, then it MUST be expressed as <int/>, rather than <obj is=""obix:int""/>. Therefore it is invalid to implement multiple value types - such as implementing both obix:bool and obix:int.

      I count:

      Note - non-normative
      MUST - normative
      For example - non-normative
      MUST - normative
      invalid - ? normative or non-normative

      In 69 words, the text switches from noromative to non-normative four (4) times and then ends up ambiguous as to normative or non-normative.




            • Assignee:
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
              toby.considine Toby Considine (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: