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  1. OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC
  2. ODATA-1384

Clarify usage of annotation qualifiers as references to hierarchies


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: V4.0_CS02
    • Fix Version/s: V4.0_CSD04
    • Component/s: Data Aggregation
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


    • Proposal:

      Regarding hierarchy predicate functions:

      The node set on which these functions operate should be explicitly specified with an additional argument addressing the entity set containing the hierarchy nodes. This will then also cover the interesting use case to use the functions for related hierarchies. For example,

      GET ~/Sales?

      returns those sales entities whose sales organization is a descendant of EMEA.

      Necessary changes:

      1. Extend functions in the Aggregation vocabulary: Add Nodes as new first parameter to isroot, isdescendant, isancestor, issibling, isleaf.
        • The Nodes parameter takes the name of an entity set exposed by the service.
        • The Hierarchy parameter receives the qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation attached to the entity type of the set whose name is specified in Nodes.
      2. Adjust examples 42-46 to reflect point 1.
      3. Add the example above to illustrate application of a predicate function on a related hierarchy.

      Regarding transformations for recursive hierarchy processing originally introduced with ODATA-1218:

      Proposal to extend definitions of transformations ancestors and descendants to receive a recursive hierarchy via parameters that may differ from the input set.

      Proposal to rewrite section about hierarchical functions: Hierarchy Functions

      For testing the position of a given entity in a recursive hierarchy, the Aggregation vocabulary defines functions. These have

      • a parameter pair HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier where HierarchyNodes is a collection and HierarchyQualifier is the qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation on its entity type. The node values in this collection define the recursive hierarchy
      • a parameter Node that contains the node value of entity to be tested. Note that the test result depends only on this node value, not on any other property of the given entity
      • additional parameters, depending on the type of test (see below)
      • a boolean return value for the outcome of the test.

      The following functions are defined:

      • isroot tests if the given entity is a root of the hierarchy,
      • isdescendant tests if the given entity is a descendant of an ancestor node (whose node value is given in a parameter Ancestor) with a maximum distance MaxDistance, or equals the ancestor if IncludeSelf is true,
      • isancestor tests if the given entity is an ancestor of a descendant node (whose node value is given in a parameter Descendant) with a maximum distance MaxDistance, or equals the descendant if IncludeSelf is true,
      • issibling tests if the given entity and another entity (whose node value is given in parameter Other) have the same parent node or both are roots, but are not the same,
      • isleaf tests if the given entity is without descendants.
      Regarding hierarchy predicate functions: The node set on which these functions operate should be explicitly specified with an additional argument addressing the entity set containing the hierarchy nodes. This will then also cover the interesting use case to use the functions for related hierarchies. For example, GET ~/Sales? $filter=$it/SalesOrganization/Aggregation.isdescendant(      Nodes= 'SalesOrganizations' ,Hierarchy= 'SalesOrgHierarchy' ,Node= 'EMEA' ) returns those sales entities whose sales organization is a descendant of EMEA. Necessary changes: Extend functions in the Aggregation vocabulary: Add Nodes as new first parameter to isroot , isdescendant , isancestor , issibling , isleaf . The Nodes parameter takes the name of an entity set exposed by the service. The Hierarchy parameter receives the qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation attached to the entity type of the set whose name is specified in Nodes . Adjust examples 42-46 to reflect point 1. Add the example above to illustrate application of a predicate function on a related hierarchy. Regarding transformations for recursive hierarchy processing originally introduced with ODATA-1218 : Proposal to extend definitions of transformations ancestors and descendants to receive a recursive hierarchy via parameters that may differ from the input set. Proposal to rewrite section about hierarchical functions: Hierarchy Functions For testing the position of a given entity in a recursive hierarchy, the Aggregation vocabulary defines functions. These have a parameter pair HierarchyNodes , HierarchyQualifier where HierarchyNodes is a collection and HierarchyQualifier is the qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation on its entity type. The node values in this collection define the recursive hierarchy a parameter Node that contains the node value of entity to be tested. Note that the test result depends only on this node value, not on any other property of the given entity additional parameters, depending on the type of test (see below) a boolean return value for the outcome of the test. The following functions are defined: isroot tests if the given entity is a root of the hierarchy, isdescendant tests if the given entity is a descendant of an ancestor node (whose node value is given in a parameter Ancestor ) with a maximum distance MaxDistance , or equals the ancestor if IncludeSelf is true, isancestor tests if the given entity is an ancestor of a descendant node (whose node value is given in a parameter Descendant ) with a maximum distance MaxDistance , or equals the descendant if IncludeSelf is true, issibling tests if the given entity and another entity (whose node value is given in parameter Other ) have the same parent node or both are roots, but are not the same, isleaf tests if the given entity is without descendants.
    • Resolution:
      https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies/pull/125 https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/69664/odata-data-aggregation-ext-v4.0-wd05.docx https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-abnf/pull/72  is merged.


      Section 6.3.2 Recursive Hierarchy specifies that "The value of the Qualifier attribute can be used to reference the hierarchy in Hierarchy Filter Functions."

      Hierarchy filter functions make use of this concept, they accept a qualifier as first parameter.

      All examples in the document apply this approach with top-level entities, i.e. part of the collection addressed by the resource path. E.g.:
      GET ~/SalesOrganizations?$filter=$it/Aggregation.isdescendant(}}
      {{      Hierarchy='SalesOrgHierarchy',Node='EMEA')}}

      Using this approach also for hierarchies on entity collections related to the top-level entities would require identifying the node set on which the function operates, which is not possible (example: GET ~/Sales?
           Hierarchy='SalesOrganization/SalesOrgHierarchy',Node='EMEA') leaves the set of sales orgs to consider as hierarchy unspecified )

      Therefore it needs to be clarified if/that these functions with the references to hierarchies always operate on top-level entities given by the resource path.

      This issue is also relevant for ODATA-1218, which introduces transformations for hierarchy processing that also expect such a qualifier as call argument.



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            mikep Michael Pizzo (Inactive) added a comment -

            Resolved as proposed 2020-9-03.

            mikep Michael Pizzo (Inactive) added a comment - Resolved as proposed 2020-9-03.
            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited

            Transformations like ancestors evaluate a hierarchy by looking at node values only, but they must construct an output set that consists of entities. I suggest to clearly separate these two steps by

            • constructing the output set through the known filter transformation
            • have a boolean isancestors function that evaluates the node value of a given entity and returns true if that entity is an ancestor
            • traverse is similarly replaced with orderby and a ranking function preorder or postorder.

            See this example.

            This leads to the following alternative proposal:

            3.25 Hierarchical functions

            $these also denotes the current collection in a common expression where it can be followed by a collectionNavigation. This syntax MUST only be used as a parameter value in one of the functions Aggregation.isdescendant, Aggregation.isancestor, Aggregation.preorder and Aggregation.postorder. These functions take as parameter an entity collection but look at only one of their primitive properties. These primitive values are then evaluated as nodes in a recursive hierarchy.

            (Future versions of [OData-URL] may allow $these generally.)

            Then come the adapted versions of examples 38, 39, 40.

            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited Transformations like ancestors evaluate a hierarchy by looking at node values only, but they must construct an output set that consists of entities. I suggest to clearly separate these two steps by constructing the output set through the known filter transformation have a boolean isancestors function that evaluates the node value of a given entity and returns true if that entity is an ancestor traverse is similarly replaced with orderby and a ranking function preorder or postorder . See this example . This leads to the following alternative proposal: Remove sections about transformations ancestors , descendants and  traverse . Merge PR oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies#183 , oasis-tcs/odata-abnf#64 and oasis-tcs/odata-abnf#68 . Insert a new section after Function aggregate : 3.25 Hierarchical functions $these also denotes the current collection in a common expression where it can be followed by a collectionNavigation . This syntax MUST only be used as a parameter value in one of the functions Aggregation.isdescendant , Aggregation.isancestor , Aggregation.preorder and Aggregation.postorder . These functions take as parameter an entity collection but look at only one of their primitive properties. These primitive values are then evaluated as nodes in a recursive hierarchy. (Future versions of [OData-URL] may allow $these generally.) Then come the adapted versions of examples 38, 39, 40 .
            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited

            I withdraw my suggestion from the previous comment and now propose to define the effect of the ancestors transformation in terms of the Aggregation.isancestor function as follows

            ancestors(«hierNodes», «hierQualifier», «nodeProp», «filterExpr», «dist», keep start)

            has the same effect as

            filter(«input set»/$filter(«filterExpr»)/any(node:
                IncludeSelf=«whether keep start is present»)))

            For example, the ancestors of the US sales organizations are retrieved via

            GET SalesOrganizations?$apply=

            Analogous for descendants.

            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited I withdraw my suggestion from the previous comment and now propose to define the effect of the ancestors transformation in terms of the Aggregation.isancestor function as follows ancestors(«hierNodes», «hierQualifier», «nodeProp», «filterExpr», «dist», keep start) has the same effect as filter(«input set»/$filter(«filterExpr»)/any(node: Aggregation.isancestor( HierarchyNodes=«hierNodes», HierarchyQualifier= '«hierQualifier»' , Node=«nodeProp», Descendant=node/«nodeProp», MaxDistance=«dist», IncludeSelf=«whether keep start is present»))) For example, the ancestors of the US sales organizations are retrieved via GET SalesOrganizations?$apply= filter($root/SalesOrganizations/$filter(startswith(Name, 'US' ))/any(node: Aggregation.isancestor( HierarchyNodes=$root/LastYearSalesOrganizations, HierarchyQualifier= 'SalesOrgHierarchy' , Node=ID, Descendant=node/ID, IncludeSelf= true ))) Analogous for descendants .
            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited

            TC 2022-02-17: Suggest to keep the text from the current working document where ancestors constructs the output set from entities of the input set. But adapt it so that the additional parameters «hierNodes» and «nodeProp» are supported.

            And replace the following with something more specific:

            instances ... that are ancestors of that node with respect to the hierarchy structure

             so that ancestors can be used to filter a list of Sales w.r.t. a hierarchy on SalesOrganizations.

            heiko.theissen Heiko Theissen added a comment - - edited TC 2022-02-17: Suggest to keep the text from the current working document where ancestors constructs the output set from entities of the input set. But adapt it so that the additional parameters  «hierNodes»  and «nodeProp»  are supported. And replace the following with something more specific: instances ... that are ancestors of that node with respect to the hierarchy structure  so that ancestors can be used to filter a list of Sales w.r.t. a hierarchy on SalesOrganizations .
            gerald.krause1 Gerald Krause added a comment -


            gerald.krause1 Gerald Krause added a comment - 2022-03-03


              • Assignee:
                gerald.krause1 Gerald Krause
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                2 Start watching this issue


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