Section 11.1 states:
An entity container MAY provide a QualifiedName value for the Extends attribute. The value provided to the Extends attribute MUST resolve to an entity container in the entity model. All of the children in the extending entity container are added to the children of the extended entity container.
This seems to be the opposite of what states:
EntityContainer elements that extend another EntityContainer inherit all of the extended EntitySet, AssociationSet, and FunctionImport child elements from that EntityContainer.
The benefit of this feature is unclear; reuse mechanisms can and should be hidden within the service provider infrastructure and not shine through to the client.
Ralf is putting together a proposal to address the following issues at the Zurich Face to Face:
ODATA-180: Remove Extends attribute from EntityContainer element [Open]-
ODATA-181: Referencing/reusing a model element from a different schema does not require to "include" this schema via a Using element [Open]-
ODATA-193: Allow function imports to return entities from a different service [Open]-
ODATA-195: Simplify entity set qualification rules for NavigationPropertyBinding [Open]