Inside the current revision of the proposal for an OData Delta Query Protocol i.e. [OData Delta Query Protocol Design 2012-12-19.docx]( there might be room for improvement of readability:
In general I think the two terms "store" and "local store" might better not be used in parallel as they are in the text in section "Client Interaction" on pages 5 and 6.
I suggest using "remote store" instead of "store" or where /if this fact is opaque / or unimportant to the client better use "service" instead of "store".
With respect to the two diagrams inside the section Client Interaction i.e. inside the subsection "Initial Population" on page 5 and "Result Maintenance" on page 6 it would in my opinion be beneficial to replace the label "Store" in the "scoping" box on the right-hand side with "Service".
Also I think for these very top-level presentation of message/logic flow it might be better not to think of single/multiple page and last page result triggers, but only of not-last and last-page (since the delta link automatically starts at the first page.
Thus I recommend changing the "More than one page?" 'DecisionDiamond' A) into 'Last page?' (identical to the trigger in the multi page case!) and B) adapt the yes/no "outcome-positions" i.e. "no" now to the left and "yes" to the bottom. This should render the flow much more readable and concentrates on the single trigger to act upon (from a client perspective) i.e. is the current response a last page with a new delta link or not?
Replaced the use of "store" with "service" where it referred to the query source. "local store" is used to refer to the client's local store of cached results.
Modified the diagrams as suggested.