New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Won't Do
Affects Version/s: V4.0_ERRATA02
Fix Version/s: V4.02
Component/s: Protocol, URL Conventions
Assume Orders and Customers are in different services and have cross-service navigation properties to each other:
GET Customers('ALFKI')/Orders
GET Orders(4711)/Customer
Now a new version v2 of the Customer service is published.
Ideally the Order service now automatically navigates to the new (latest) Customer service without requiring a new version of the Order service, and in addition allows navigation to the old version:
GET Orders(4711)/Customer -> navigates to Customer v2
GET Orders(4711)/Customer;v1 -> navigates to Customer v1
The use case is already covered by section 5.2 Model Versioning, allowing services to publish compatible versions at the same service root URL and making cross-service references to such a service minor-version agnostic, and section 11.2.12 System Query Option $schemaversion allowing to request data (and metadata) for a specific schema version.