17.473 style:default-outline-level
If this attribute is present and it is assigned to a paragraph by user interface action of , an office application, then the paragraph is displayed as a heading of the given outline level.
the paragraph should not merely be displayed as a heading, it should become a heading.
i much prefer the old draft6 version, as it also clarifies a potentially confusing situation:
If this attribute exists for a paragraph style, and if the paragraph style is assigned to a paragraph by an user interface action, then office applications should convert the paragraph into a heading of the given level. However, the attribute has no effect to the differentiation of headings and paragraphs in the file format itself. The differentiation between headings and paragraphs still takes place by using either a <text:h> or a <text> element. If a <text
> element references a paragraph style that has a style:default-outline-level attribute, the paragraph remains a paragraph and will not become a heading.