Write the first three paragraphs as:
A number is a numeric value.
Numbers shall be able to represent fractional values (they shall not be limited to only integers). Evaluators may implement Number with an arbitrary fixed or with a variable bit length. A cell with a constant numeric value has the Number type.
Note: Many evaluators implement numbers as 64-bit IEEE floating point values and use the CPU's floating-point instructions where available (so intermediate values may be represented using more than 64 bits).
Delete the paragraph reading
Note that many formula creators are not sophisticated [...] this specification does not attempt to fully resolve the problem of unsophisticated users.
Change the last paragraph to:
All Number subtypes shall yield True for the ISNUMBER function.
Note: This specification does not require that specific subtypes be distinguishable from each other, or that the subtype be tracked, but in practice most evaluators do such tracking. Automatically determining the most likely subtype is important for a good user interface and when generating OpenDocument format, since some subtypes (such as date, time, and currency) are stored in a different manner depending on their subtype. Typical implementations try to heuristically determine the "right" format for a cell when a formula is first created, based on the operations in the formula. Expression authors can then override this display format, so as a result the heuristics are not important for data exchange (and thus outside the scope of this specification).