Status: Applied
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: ODF 1.0
Fix Version/s: ODF 1.0 Errata 02
Component/s: Text
This issue applies to ODF 1.0/1.1/IS 26300 and how ODF 1.0 Errata CD04 proposes to respond to defect item N1309:10.
Copied from office-comment list
Original author: "MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)" <eb2m-mrt@asahi-net.or.jp>
Original date: 27 Feb 2010 07:18:38 -0000
Original URL: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/201002/msg00036.html
This issue objects to the Errata 01 CD04 approach to resolution of defect item N1309:10 (OFFICE-2207). This issue has two parts:
1. Potential conflicting statements between ODF 1.0/1.1/IS 26300 section 1.6 and [XML 1.0] best resolved by removal of potentially-conflicting text from section 1.6.
2. Challenging the use of element content or element-only content where the only differentiation of such elements is related to how elements are specified in a DTD.
An additional consideration is ensuring that the resolution of this in Errata for pre-1.2 versions is reconciled with any statement in ODF 1.2 (currently ODF 1.2 Part 1 CD04-rev09 section 3.18).