
    • Proposal:

      In 9.4.3 <table:iteration>

      If this iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula with an iterative reference in a table causes an error message.
      If iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula expression containing a cyclic cell reference returns an error.

      If table:status is enable and iterating through the cyclic dependencies does not deliver a result that satisfies the condition specified with table:maximum-difference within a number of iterations specified with table:steps for all cells in the cyclic dependencies, an error is returned.

      To part 1 19.644 table:formula add:
      HOST-ITERATION-STATUS table:status disable
      HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE table:maximum-difference 0.001
      HOST-ITERATION-STEPS table:steps 100

      To part 2 3.4 Host-Defined Behaviors add:

      10) HOST-ITERATION-STATUS: If enabled, iterative calculations of cyclic references are performed.

      11) HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE: If iterative calculations of cyclic references are enabled, the maximum absolute difference between calculation steps that all involved formula cells must yield for the iteration to end and yield a result.

      12) HOST-ITERATION-STEPS: If iterative calculations of cyclic references are enabled, the maximum number of steps iterations are performed if the results are not within HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE.

      In 9.4.3 <table:iteration> Replace " If this iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula with an iterative reference in a table causes an error message. " with " If iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula expression containing a cyclic cell reference returns an error. " Add " If table:status is enable and iterating through the cyclic dependencies does not deliver a result that satisfies the condition specified with table:maximum-difference within a number of iterations specified with table:steps for all cells in the cyclic dependencies, an error is returned. " To part 1 19.644 table:formula add: HOST-ITERATION-STATUS table:status disable HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE table:maximum-difference 0.001 HOST-ITERATION-STEPS table:steps 100 To part 2 3.4 Host-Defined Behaviors add: 10) HOST-ITERATION-STATUS: If enabled, iterative calculations of cyclic references are performed. 11) HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE: If iterative calculations of cyclic references are enabled, the maximum absolute difference between calculation steps that all involved formula cells must yield for the iteration to end and yield a result. 12) HOST-ITERATION-STEPS: If iterative calculations of cyclic references are enabled, the maximum number of steps iterations are performed if the results are not within HOST-ITERATION-MAXIMUM-DIFFERENCE.


      Reads: "The <table:iteration> element enables formulas with iterative (or cyclic) references to be calculated after a specific number of iterations. If this iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula with an iterative reference in a table causes an error message."

      What is the status of this element in light of the formula proposal?

      When you look at the attributes:

      table:status - true/false on enabling iterations

      table:maximum-difference - different in values where iteration stops

      table:steps - maximum number of iterations (defaults to 100)

      Think about what happens if these conflict with the iterations set in the formula. By a user who is quite unaware that these attributes even exist.

      What to do about the error message part as well. (Bonus problem)




            • Assignee:
              erack Eike Rathke (Inactive)
              patrick Patrick Durusau
            • Watchers:
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: