Status: Applied
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: ODF 1.2 CD 05
Fix Version/s: ODF 1.2 CD 06
Component/s: OpenFormula, Part 4 (Formula) [1.2: 2], Public Review
Reads: "The <table:iteration> element enables formulas with iterative (or cyclic) references to be calculated after a specific number of iterations. If this iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula with an iterative reference in a table causes an error message."
What is the status of this element in light of the formula proposal?
When you look at the attributes:
table:status - true/false on enabling iterations
table:maximum-difference - different in values where iteration stops
table:steps - maximum number of iterations (defaults to 100)
Think about what happens if these conflict with the iterations set in the formula. By a user who is quite unaware that these attributes even exist.
What to do about the error message part as well. (Bonus problem)