
    • Proposal:

      Consolidate number:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag, table:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag-asian, style:rfc-langauge-tag-complex into style:rfc-language, datatype 18.3.16.

      Consolidate: number:language, fo:language, table:language, style:language-asian, style:language-complex into fo:language, datatype 18.3.17

      Consolidate: number:script, fo:script, table:script, style:script-asian, style-script-complex into fo:script, datatype 18.3.29

      Consolidate: number:country, fo:country, table:country, style:country-asian, style:country-complex into fo:country, datatype 18.3.11.

      Update language and references as appropriate.

      (I pasted in as a comment, a summary of the relevant attributes, their datatypes and the text from ODF 1.2 for your convenience.)

      Consolidate number:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag, table:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag-asian, style:rfc-langauge-tag-complex into style:rfc-language, datatype 18.3.16. Consolidate: number:language, fo:language, table:language, style:language-asian, style:language-complex into fo:language, datatype 18.3.17 Consolidate: number:script, fo:script, table:script, style:script-asian, style-script-complex into fo:script, datatype 18.3.29 Consolidate: number:country, fo:country, table:country, style:country-asian, style:country-complex into fo:country, datatype 18.3.11. Update language and references as appropriate. (I pasted in as a comment, a summary of the relevant attributes, their datatypes and the text from ODF 1.2 for your convenience.)


      The current rfc-language attributes, number:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag, table:rfc-language-tag, style:rfc-language-tag-asian, style:rfc-langauge-tag-complex, need to be re-cast into a single mechanism for specifying languages.

      This should be part of a general consolidation and cleansing of the style mechanism, if some version of CSS or FO isn't faithfully profiled as a style mechanism. My preference would be to simply use an accurate profile of FO.




            • Assignee:
              patrick Patrick Durusau
              patrick Patrick Durusau
            • Watchers:
              3 Start watching this issue


              • Created: