Add the following text at the to of the description of 20.346: script-type
For some text formatting properties (like the font family) OpenDocument specifies a set of three different attributes (like fo:font-family, style:font-family-asian, style:font-family-complex). Which of these attributes is evaluated for a particular [UNICODE] character code point depends on its script type. The mapping of Unicode code points to script types is defined by table 20. Consumers should apply this mapping. For Unicode code points for which no mapping is defined, the mapping is implementation dependent.
Unicode Code Point Ranges | Script Type
U+0003..U+001F, U+0021..U+009F, U+00A1..U+04FF, U+0530..U+058F, U+10A0..U+10FF, U+13A0..U+16FF, U+1E00..U+1FFF, U+2C60..U+2C7F, U+2C80..U+2CE3, U+A720..U+A7FF | latin
U+0590..U+074F, U+0780..U+07BF, U+0900..U+109F, U+1200..U+137F, U+1780..U+18AF, U+FB50..U+FDFF, U+FE70..U+FEFF |
U+1100..U+11FF, U+2E80..U+31BF, U+31C0..U+31EF, U+3200..U+4DBF, U+4E00..U+A4CF, U+AC00..U+D7AF, U+F900..U+FAFF, U+FE30..U+FE4F, U+FF00..U+FFEF, U+20000..U+2A6DF, U+2F800..U+2FA1F | asian
Table 20 - Unicode Code Point to Script Type Mapping
Amend the currently first paragraph of 20.346: script-type as follows:
The style:script-type attribute specifies which script type dependent attributes ** are currently active for a portion of text. The attribute may be evaluated by consumers that do not support script types to select the correct script dependent formatting properties. Consumers that support script types may also evaluate the attribute and overwrite the script type they would evaluate for a specific character.
Amend the bullet list in 20.346: script-type as follows:
- asian: all asian script type dependent attributes are active.
- complex: all complex script type dependent attributes are active.
- ignore: all script type dependent attributes are applied to all script types. This is available on default styles only.
- latin: all latin script type dependent attributes are active.
Replace all occurrences of
The attribute is evaluated for any [UNICODE] characters that are not CJK or complex text layout (CTL) characters.
The attribute is evaluated for any [UNICODE] characters whose script type is latin. See 20.346
Replace all occurrences of
It is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are CJK characters.
This attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are CJK characters.
This attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters whose script type is asian. See 20.346
Replace all occurrences of
It is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are complex text layout (CTL) characters.
This attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are complex text layout (CTL) characters.
This attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters whose script type is complex. See 20.346