
    • Proposal:

      Delete: "An element shall not have an form:id attribute if it has no xml:id attribute value."

      Delete: "An element shall not have an form:id attribute if it has no xml:id attribute value."
    • Resolution:

      changed resolution:

      Remove the 2nd sentence from the 2nd paragraph (If there is no xml:id attribute value, then a form:id attribute should be processed as it were an xml:id attribute.)

      Remove the 1st senetcne from the 4th paragraph (An element shall not have an form:id attribute if it has no xml:id attribute value)

      Add the following note:

      Note: When consuming OpenDocument v1.0 and v1.1 documents, OpenDocument consumers should process form:id attributes as they were xml:id attributes.

      Make the same change for the corresponding sentences in anim:id, draw:id and text:id

      changed resolution: Remove the 2nd sentence from the 2nd paragraph (If there is no xml:id attribute value, then a form:id attribute should be processed as it were an xml:id attribute.) Remove the 1st senetcne from the 4th paragraph (An element shall not have an form:id attribute if it has no xml:id attribute value) Add the following note: Note: When consuming OpenDocument v1.0 and v1.1 documents, OpenDocument consumers should process form:id attributes as they were xml:id attributes. Make the same change for the corresponding sentences in anim:id, draw:id and text:id


      In 19.278 form:id we have
      "If there is no xml:id attribute value, then a form:id attribute should be processed as it were an xml:id attribute."
      and later
      "An element shall not have an form:id attribute if it has no xml:id attribute value."

      So in view of the second sentence, the first one doesn't make sense: if there is no xml:id attribute then there cannot be a form:id attribute that could be processed as it were an xml:id attribute.




            • Assignee:
              patrick Patrick Durusau
              aguelzow Andreas Guelzow (Inactive)
            • Watchers:
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: